Dear Parents,
I am so excited to have your student involved in the theatre program at Vista Ridge High School. Whether they are just taking a theatre class or auditioning for a Wolfpack Theatre Prodcution, my focus is on creating a rich artistic experience for them. If you have any questions about the program, classes, or simply want to get involved please don't hesitate to contact me. My contact information is on the contact page.
If your student is cast in a production or is part of the stage crew please read the contract and expectations for your student. The theatre is as intense as any athletic activity and their attendence and maturity is mandatory for our success. Please look at the rehearsal schedule and try and schedule appointments etc. during the school breaks.
I am looking to develop a Wolfpack Theatre Booster club that would help with ticket sales, some simple fund raising, and chaperoning for the thespian conference and other events .
I look forward to working with you and your student! I hope that they will become as passionate for theatre as I am.
Andy Mello
Director Wolfpack Theatre Co.
Vista Ridge High School